Proceedings of the State Executive Committee 20.05.2020 recommending the COVID-19 Readiness Calculator



English translation

Proceedings of the State Executive Committee meeting held under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary to the Government on 20-05-2020 on measures taken by the Government to control the spread of Covid-19

The list of officials present in the meeting is attached as annexure.
The chairman of the committee welcomed all the officers present in the meeting and reviewed the follow up report of the resolutions taken in the last meeting regarding the measures to be taken by the government to prevent the spread of Covid-19 as per the guidelines of the 4th phase of lockdown by the central government. After discussion with all the officials present in the meeting it was decided as follows.

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10 . The Covid Readiness Calculator prepared by the Indian Institute of Science helps the staff working in factories and private offices to prevent the spread of the epidemic. The Committee decided to instruct the concerned factories and private offices through the Department of Commerce and Industry and the Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology, Science and Technology to make adequate use of the said advisor tool.

(Order: Principal Secretaries to Government, Department of Commerce and Industry and Principal Secretaries to Government, Information Technology, Biotechnology, Science and Technology Department)

[Credit for the transalation: Ms. Kavitha Seetharam Naik and Mr R Srinivasamurthy from the ECE Department at IISc]