Amrit Priyadarshi

Advised by:- Himanshu Tyagi, Anurag Kumar (ECE)

Amrit is an M.Tech Student at ECE Department, he has completed From the National Institute of Technology, Silchar. His Project is based on a wireless local area network(WLAN). He is doing M.Tech Project Under the Guidance of Prof Himanshu Tyagi and Prof Anurag Kumar. Currently, He is doing analysis of Wifi-AP parameters like Throughput, delay, etc for different scenarios. Based on several assumptions and simplifications, they have developed a stochastic model for a WiFi network with a general layout and interactions. In spite of the assumptions and simplifications, such a model captures the complexities of the interactions between the nodes, which determine the performance, and the model could be useful in developing QoS control algorithms that dynamically set the node to transmit powers and the carrier-sense thresholds.